Sending disciples to serve all nations.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Mark 16:15

New Life Ministries supports mission teams all over the world in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Our team served in four childrens camps, bringing the Word of God to them through messages, fellowship, and games. Over 400 children experienced the love of Christ.



In the city of Ustia, the Moldova team was able to provide dental and physical care to adults, as well as young children. Many gathered at the local clinic to receive much needed support. Our evangelists were able to share the Gospel with them, giving out Bibles in Russian and Romanian to all who did not have one.


Throughout the mission trip, our team was able to evangelize to the local churches. The team also supported the locals by providing living essentials. Many came to hear the Word of God and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.



Many families in Africa are in lack of many life essentials such as food and water, as well as education. Our Africa missions team serves the local churches and people full time by preaching the Gospel, providing education through the newly built library as well as translating books into Swahili, and providing healthcare. They also help to make sure families receive clean water and food.

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